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Your eyes are the brain's window to the world. Let's make sure that window stays clear to keep your vision strong for years to come. At Westview Eye Care, we provide a wide-range of services from comprehensive eye exams that are recommended annually to medical eye evaluations to detect and prevent further disease progression. Our doctors will make sure you're receiving the best care possible and will take care of you like a member of our family. Schedule an appointment and come see us today! 


Eye Exam

Color Contacts

Contact Lens Evaluation

Blue Eyes

Medical Eye Exams

Comprehensive Eye Exam

Preventative and routine eye exams are important and recommended annually to maintain good eye health. Often, eye and vision problems show no obvious signs or symptoms, but can be detected during a comprehensive eye exam. During the exam, our licensed optometrists will review any signs or symptoms, past family and medical history, medications you are currently taking, work environment, and your overall health.








We offer a thorough eye evaluation with an ultra wide-field retinal imaging using Optomap® imaging. Your retina, located in the back of your eye, is the only place in the body where blood vessels can be seen directly. This allows early signs of certain eye conditions along with other diseases like heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes detected before you notice any vision changes. Be sure to ask for an optomap image as part of your routine care to track your retina's health and changes over time. Early detection is key to reducing the risk of your sight and overall health. 


The Optomap® retinal imaging is simple and painless. It can be done for all age groups making it an easy and consistent way for you to care for the entire family. All you have to do is look into the device one eye at a time similar to looking through a keyhole and you will see a flash of light to let you know the image have been taken. 



Contact Lens Evaluation

Contact lenses are a great alternative to the traditional eyeglasses. It can provide you comfort and convenience without changing your look. In addition to the comprehensive eye exam, a contact lens exam, is necessary to ensure the lenses are fitting both eyes properly and that the health of the eye is not compromised by its use. Our eye doctors will perform special tests to evaluate the health of your cornea and specific measurements to make sure you receive the perfect fit. 

Reasons to consider contact lenses:

  • Contact lenses move with the eye for vision correction that can feel and look natural

  • Contact lenses correct most vision problems, including: 

    • Near-sightedness​: blurred vision far away

    • Far-sightedness: blurred vision close up

    • Astigmatism: blurred vision both far away and close up

    • Presbyopia: blurred vision close up

  • Does not fog up, like glasses, with the change in weather and environment. 

  • Does not get in the way of sports and daily activities. 

There are a number of options available that can be changed daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly depending on your comfort and needs. Let us help you find the perfect fit. Schedule an appointment and we can help you see clearer, more comfortably.

Seven Tips for Using Contact Lenses Safely 

Medical Eye Exams

Medical eye exams are different than the comprehensive eye exam as it is an exam to evaluate or treat your eyes for some sort of medical condition including eye-related medical conditions. Other than treating eye infections, eye allergies, and acute trauma, we provide treatment and management for the following conditions: 


  • Cataract

  • Diabetic Retinopathy

  • Dry Eyes 

  • Glaucoma

  • Macular Degeneration


Cataract is a cloudy area in the lens of your eye. This condition is most common as you age due to natural changes in your eyes. At first you may not experience any symptoms, but as it progresses you may experience some vision changes such as: blurry vision, colors that seem faded, sensitivity to light, and double vision.


Our doctors diagnose and monitor your cataract progression, as well as discuss with you when cataract surgery is appropriate. Cataract surgery is very safe with 9 out of 10 people who get it can see better afterwards. We will co-manage your post-op treatment plan with your cataract surgeon to make sure your eyes are properly healed.



Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is an eye condition that can cause vision loss and blindness in diabetic patients. It is especially important for diabetics to routinely receive eye care for this reason. Early on, you may not experience any symptoms. Once symptoms do develop, they can include dark, floating spots or streaks that looks like cobwebs. This occurs due to progressive damage to the blood vessels of the retina in the back of the eye. If you have diabetes, the risks can be reduced through management of your blood sugar and blood pressure. Let us be a part of your routine care and come in for your annual dilated eye exam to help your vision from worsening.  



Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that results in gradual loss of vision and cause blindness by damaging a nerve in the back of your eye called the optic nerve. Symptoms can start so slowly at first that you may not even notice. A common sign of this disease is an increased pressure in the eye, although not all types of glaucoma is due to high pressure. Gradually, your peripheral vision will be affected and without proper treatment, can lead to total vision loss. There is no way to prevent glaucoma, which is why eye exams are so important for early detection. 


Anyone can get glaucoma, but some individuals are at higher risk. You are at higher risk if you are over 60 years of age, have a family history of glaucoma, are African American or Hispanic/Latino, and certain chronic medical conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Fortunately, there are treatment options for glaucoma that can help keep it under control and prevent it from getting worse. Our doctors will work with you to find a solution that will fit your needs, whether that will be with prescription eye drops or refer you to a specialist for laser treatment or surgery. 


Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration, also known as Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is an eye disorder associated with aging and results in damaging sharp and central vision that you need for activities like reading and cooking. This is a very common condition and one of the leading cause of vision loss for adults 50 years of age and older. As it progress, you may see a blurry area near the center of your vision. Over time, this blurry area may get bigger. Regular eye exams are highly recommended to detect AMD early and track its progress in hopes of preventing severe vision loss. 

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Phone: (253) 946-4392

Fax: (253)-946-4394

31625 Pacific Hwy S E1, Federal Way, WA 98003, USA

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11AM -  5PM

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