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Vision Care

Importance of Routine Eye Exams For the Whole Family

Routine eye exams are important regardless of age in protecting your and your family's eyesight. During these comprehensive exams, our eye doctors will check for common eye diseases along with detecting visual changes to determine your eyeglass or contact lens prescription. With regular eye care, it can help detect any potential health issues that can be treated early on to preserve vision loss and improve overall health. 

How Early & How Often?

The American Optometric Association (AOA) recommends children as young as 6 months of age should have their eyes examined. Then again at age 3 and around 5, right before the start of school, then annually thereafter. 


Annual eye exams are recommended for adults over the age of 18 with no known medical conditions even if you don't normally need vision correction. If you are diagnosed with diabetes, high blood pressure, or other medical conditions, you may need more frequent exams to closely monitor the impact of the disease on your eye health and vision.  


For those who are 40 years of age and older, it is especially important for you to come in for routine eye exams to check for common age-related eye conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration. As you age, the risk of eye disease increases so be sure to schedule your eye appointment with us today! 


What Can You Do to Relieve Eye Stress?

With the increase in daily screen use from work, school, or leisure, we create unnecessary tension onto our eyes, which leads to a number of eye-related problems. Tension in our eyes strains the optic nerve and increases eye pressure. The best eye exercises aims to reduce this tension. Devote a few minutes every day to the following exercises to relieve eye stress: 


  • Eye Relaxation: Sit down and close your eyes. Imagine yourself sitting by the beach look out at the waves. Continue to rest with your eyes covered for several minutes or until the eyes relaxes. This helps reduce the constant strain on your eyes. 

  • Eye Scan: Close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Open your eyes and focus lightly on an object 10 feet away from you. Gently trace its outline with your eyes, then let your eyes shift to another object close by to trace that object. Move your eyes softly without staring. 

  • 20/20/20 Rule: Take a break from screen use. Glance away every 20 minutes on something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. 



Playful Family

Your Vision

Routine Eye Care

Come in for annual eye exams



Drink 8 glasses of water a day


Eat a Healthy Diet

Include leafy greens such as spinach or kale


Wear Sunglasses

When outdoors, choose glasses that block out UV-A & UV-B rays


Remember to Blink!

Take breaks from screens to increase blinking rate to keep eyes lubricated

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Phone: (253) 946-4392

Fax: (253)-946-4394

31625 Pacific Hwy S E1, Federal Way, WA 98003, USA

Office Hours




10AM - 6PM

10AM - 5PM

11AM -  5PM

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